Friday, 30 August 2013

Typical Mawson? Maybe, depends of the day...

I like the Off the leash cartoons. They are always a pretty accurate representation of what dogs get up to. And I am pretty sure that for most of them the cartoon is spot on. 
A while ago, there was a rare drawing with a GSP and it really made me giggle as I could potentially really see it happen. Though there might be a closer look down with ears and lips flopping first. 

The monster does like critters though, he half got a lizard last time. I tried to save it, but it had a nasty blow to the abdomen, so not sure the poor little lizard made it through... 
And the only time I saw Mawson really play with a fly, he kept staring at it on the window, then grabbing it in his mouth, then spitting it out with a disgusted air, then staring at it, then grabbing it in his mouth, then spitting it with a disgusted face and so on for about 4 or 5 cycles.... You would have thought that after the first or at least the second time he would have got it.... 

One thing that is definitely sure is that Mawson looks like a big strong boy but in most situation, he is a complete wimp. So I guess, it is quite accurate!

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