Friday, 18 October 2013

:( smoky

I'm not happy! I woke up from my afternoon snooze, yesterday, to sniff a whole lot of smoke and burning smells. After checking it wasn't in the house, I saw it was all over outside in the sky! Then I snuck in on daddy's computer and pawed in a search for the NSW Rural Fire Service (don't tell the minions that I sneak in on the computer while they are away... I'll get in trouble....). Anyway, I saw a whoooole lot of fires everywhere. And worse they are all over places with names I know, because of obedience and agility trials! I am really not happy! I hope those fires are going to stop soon and that they won't destroy much more, I think they have done enough damage like that.

I also saw that there was a fire at Castlereagh, that's where some of my fellow GSPs live. I'm not sure were they are exactely, but I hope they are all safe and out of the fire way.

After mummy came back home, the smell was so strong when we went for a walk. She took some pics with her phone and it looks scary.

Hope all puppies around will stay safe, and keep your minions safe too. Cats don't need help, they always seem to sneak out of trouble, but hey I'll be grand and send my thoughts to them too, after all if they get into trouble who will I try and chase, hey??

Much too much for a little puppy GSP, let's go have a puppy meltdown with my blanky on my bed!

believe it or not that's the sun...

surreal colours, looked like neon lighting

on mummy's way back from work, not looking good at all

sky above the house

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