Wednesday, 2 April 2014

The new girls are not better than the old ones...

Well I told you last time that the chicks were needy and taking mum's time. Well now the 3 have grown a lot and moved to their house. But the minions decided that the house was big, so they went and got 3 more!! Different ones... They were 2 Dark Barred Plymouth Rocks and a Barnevelder before and now they got a Coronation Sussex, a Buff Sussex and a Silver-Grey Dorking... At least those ones are not in MY house, they are in a separate quarantine enclosure outside before they all go together. But they are not much better than the previous girls. Minions thought that, as they were older there would be less drama. Oh no, not the sneaky hens! They must have passed each other messages to get sick, so that mum spends ALL her time with them and neglects ME! They are doing it on purpose to looks all miserable *grump*
What is that all about, to be syringe feeding chicks and all that for ages, while I am here all cuddle-less!! That will not do at all!!!
Hope they will sort out all that disease faking so that things get back to their normal state: spoiling me, me and me! At least the minions said that if I was patient those time-sucking meanies would find me some eggs for an omelette just for me. Ok I'll wait then...
a v. bad pic of the 3 new girls
Coronation Sussex dinosaure 
the big girls trying to have a dirt bath...

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