The minions have been working on the chicks coop again today! They also had to do some "work" but I won't talk about that because the only thing they do is tippeetyping on their computer... Boooooring.....
Anyway, on their big rush to do the coop they spent another good few hours sawing and drilling and crewing and hammering... puff just tired looking at it... lucky I had my ball to keep me company and try to get them to play with me!
They weren't very cooperative and things kept dropping so I kept a bit of distance... better be safe than sorry...
Then we went to the front to start assembling things. I had a quick inspection to verify that the work was of the required standard and quality... Mmmm not perfect but that will pass for this time, they said they will do some tidying up so, I gave the ok to continue...
Once again, I got banished and abandoned all alone in the wilderness... alright they put me in the car on the other side of the car port... but still too far to supervise properly! It might have been the best option though as the minions seem to have an amazing way of getting things to fall. Mum narrowly escaped a big DIY knife razory blade type thing, was falling of course... nearly on her head...
They did so much work I had a snooze and a whine also to make sure they weren't forgetting me... Then finally, they let me come and check the work they had done. Not too bad, but I must say a bit too airy still. There's only two sides and they are not even full!!
But at least I suppose there is a roof, and it's off the ground, and there are some little holes that might be the start of doorways... and also some weird places that look like a toilet row without too much privacy, mum keeps calling it nest boxes, to me they look like loo cubicles :P
So here are side views, first from the loo side, oh sorry mum, the "nest boxes" side...
Then from the run side. You can notice that they have still.. not finished the top of the run, how long does it take them to do anything?!?
So that's it for the day's construction. Sorry the pics aren't fantastic, had issues with my paws. But mum said she was going to get some better ones a bit later.
Hopefully, I'll be able to send those noisy nuggets out soon, but could be a little bit longer until they can go out. Mum is all going softy on the fact they might be cold outside being so small still. Yeah right, have you seen them? They look like a gang of meanies to me, well able to cope for themselves...
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