Friday, 19 December 2014

The great hunter is back!

Oh my dogness! I am going to fire my personal assisting minion. She has been so slack with my blog, I keep barking her to let me on the computer but would she listen??? Noooo....

Anyway, I got a few things to tell you but I'll start with the most important one: I love spring/summer evenings. They are great because there are lots of bunnies around with their lovely little white fluffy tails and I can show off my great hunting skills! Mum says that she is ashamed to go walking with me because I get a tad too excited even though we have been doing lots of training to calm me down. Last time she was amazed that I actually really passed a coupe of buns while walking relatively nicely on the lead after she told me to "leave it". However, I made up for it on the next one. She told me that the people in the street were going to think that she was pulling my legs off with a tweezer, all 10 of them... pfffft she always exaggerate *ahem* I was just vocalising my enthusiasm and showing off the new trick Mum & I have been working on: walking on my back legs like she does...

There is one thing that I don't like because it makes Mum sad though. Quite often on our walk in the weeks going up to Christmas, we see some bunnies of a strange colour. Not like the usual pals I try to "play" with. Mum says that they are not wild but some domestic bunnies that people let go because of the holidays. She says that her and Dad were helping the fluffs like that when they were living in the UK. I did offer to take them home but Mum looked at me with a sideway glance that made me think she didn't trust my rescuing skills... Domestic bunnies or not, they are still not coming to play with me, they might be asocial or something...

Last Wednesday, something different happened. We went for a walk on one of our usual route and suddenly a young male bush turkey ran out at us. Had lovely colours. He kept following us and was so close!! I usually don't really care about the bush turkeys because they are not exactly brainy, but this one was a little ballsy pal. I half heartedly told him to leave us alone with just a few little jumps in his direction, he was staying around less than half a metre away from me!! And he still stayed around turning his feathery bum to us and scratching dirt at us!!! Mum even got twigs on her head... I gave up pretty quickly in my hope of telling him to choof off. He followed us for more than 200m, backwards, scratching at us like an idiot!! Was fun but then he gave up and ran back with his little puffed up chest feeling all proud of himself to have chased us away... whatever mate...

Alright now I have to put my little paws on my ears because mum is having trouble put her lenses on, and she is using a language that no pup should be subjected to... I'll tell you of some more of our adventures from the past few weeks soon, promise!

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